Hi friends, here I am sharing vocabulary from THE HINDU editorial of 11th March 2019.
Topic 1: An open field
Determined | Adjective | Having made a firm decision and being resolved not to change it. | Intent On, Bent On, Set On, Dead Set On, Insistent On, Fixed On, Resolved On, Resolved To, Firm About, Committed To, Hell-Bent On |
Reiterate | Verb | Say something again | Repeat, Say Again, Restate, Retell, Recapitulate, Go Over, Go Over And Over |
Inclination | Noun | A person’s natural tendency or urge to act or feel in a particular way; a disposition. | Tendency, Propensity, Proclivity, Leaning |
Formation | Noun | The action of forming or process of being formed. | Emergence, Coming Into Being, Genesis, Development, Evolution, Origination, Shaping, Generation |
Bleaker | Adjective | Not hopeful or encouraging; unlikely to have a favourable outcome | Unpromising, Unfavourable, Unpropitious, Inauspicious, Adverse, Disadvantageous, Uninviting, Discouraging, Disheartening, Depressing |
Discerning | Adjective | Having or showing good judgment | Discriminating, Selective, Judicious, Tasteful, Refined, Cultivated, Cultured, Sophisticated, Enlightened, Sensitive, Subtle, Critical |
Scattering | Noun | A small, dispersed amount of something | |
Vital | Adjective | Absolutely necessary; essential | Essential, Indispensable, Crucial, Key, Necessary, Needed, Required, Requisite, Important, All-Important |
Sweeping | Adjective | Extending or performed in a long, continuous curve. | Broad, Extensive, Expansive, Vast, Spacious, Roomy, Boundless, Panoramic |
Reinforce | Verb | Strengthen or support (an object or substance), especially with additional material | Strengthen, Fortify, Bolster Up, Shore Up, Buttress, Prop Up, Underpin, Brace, Stiffen, Toughen, Support, Hold Up |
Aura | Noun | The distinctive atmosphere or quality that seems to surround and be generated by a person, thing, or place. | Atmosphere, Air, Quality, Aspect, Character, Ambience, Mood, Spirit, Feeling, Feel, Flavour, Colouring, Colour, Complexion, Climate, Tone, Overtone, Undertone |
Invincibility | Noun | The quality of being too powerful to be defeated or overcome | |
Trigger | Noun | An event that is the cause of a particular action, process, or situation | |
Cumulatively | Adverb | In a way that increases in quantity, degree, or force by successive additions. | |
Irrelevance | Adjective | Not connected with or relevant to something. | Beside The Point, Not To The Point, Immaterial, Not Pertinent, Not Germane, Off The Subject, Neither Here Nor There, Unconnected, Unrelated, Peripheral, Tangential, Extraneous, Inapposite, Inapt, Inapplicable |
Compel | Verb | Force or oblige (someone) to do something. | Force, Coerce Into, Pressurize Into, Pressure, Impel, Drive, Press, Push, Urge, Prevail On |
Bury | Verb | Put or hide underground. | Subterranean, Subterrestrial, Below Ground, Buried, Sunken, Lower-Level, Basement |
Hatchet | Noun | A small axe with a short handle for use in one hand. | Xe, Cleaver, Mattock, Tomahawk |
Reconfiguration | Noun | The arrangement of parts or elements in a different form, figure, or combination. | |
Emphatic | Adjective | Expressing something forcibly and clearly | Vehement, Firm, Wholehearted, Forceful, Forcible, Energetic, Vigorous, Ardent, Assertive, Insistent |
Indecisive | Adjective | Not providing a clear and definite result. | Inconclusive, Proving Nothing, Settling Nothing, Open, Indeterminate, Undecided, Unsettled, Borderline, Indefinite, Unclear, Ambiguous, Contradictory, Ambivalent |
Uncertain | Adjective | Not able to be relied on; not known or definite. | Unknown, Undetermined, Unsettled, Unresolved, Unsure, Pending |
Granular | Adjective | Resembling or consisting of small grains or particles. | Powder, Powdered, Powdery, Grainy, Granulated, Gritty, Sandy |
Aspirants | Adjective | Having ambitions to achieve something, typically to follow a particular career | Would-Be, Intending, Hopeful, Optimistic, Budding, Wishful |
Shunned | Adjective | Persistently avoided, ignored, or rejected. | |
Disgruntled | Adjective | Angry or dissatisfied. | Dissatisfied, Discontented, Aggrieved, Resentful, Fed Up, Displeased, Unhappy, Disappointed |
Scurry | Noun | A situation of hurried and confused movement. | Rush, Race, Dash, Run, Sprint |
Incumbency | Noun | The holding of an office or the period during which one is held. | |
Dissidents | Noun | A person who opposes the official policy of govt. publicly | Dissenter, Objector, Protester, Disputant |
Overarching | Adjective | Comprehensive or all-embracing. | Inclusive, All-Inclusive, Complete |
Midst | Preposition | In the middle of. | |
Realignment | Noun | Bring back to the original or former position or state. | |
Rhetorical | Adjective | Speech or writing intended to persuade or impress people. | Extravagant, Grandiloquent, Magniloquent, High-Flown, High-Sounding, Sonorous, Lofty, Orotund, Bombastic, Grandiose, Pompous |
Fertile | Adjective | (Of a situation) encouraging a particular activity or feeling. | |
Accretion | Noun | gradual increase the in size or amount of something by the accumulation of additional layers or matter. | Accumulation, Collecting, Gathering, Amassing, Cumulation, Accrual, Growth, Formation, Enlargement, Increase, Gain, Augmentation, Rise, Mushrooming, Snowballing |
Resolution | Noun | A firm decision to do or not to do something | Intention, Resolve, Decision, Intent, Aim, Aspiration, Design, Purpose, Object, Plan |
Aspect | Noun | A particular part or feature of something. | Feature, Facet, Side, Characteristic, Particular, Detail, Point, Ingredient, Strand |
Insolvent | Adjective | Unable to pay debts owed. | Bankrupt, Unable To Pay One’s Debts, Ruined, Collapsed, Defaulting, Liquidated, Wiped Out |
Bankrupt | Adjective | (Of a person or organization) declared in law as unable to pay their debts. | Insolvent, Bankrupted |
Tribunal | Noun | A body established to settle certain types of dispute | Arbitration Board, Arbitration Panel, Board, Panel, Committee |
Significant | Adjective | Sufficiently great or important to be worthy of attention; noteworthy. | Notable, Noteworthy, Worthy Of Attention, Remarkable, Outstanding, Important, Of Importance, Of Consequence, Consequential |
Enacted | Verb | Make (a bill or other proposal) law. | Make Law, Pass, Approve, Ratify, Validate, Sanction, Authorize, Accept, Give The Seal Of Approval To |
Haircut | Noun | A reduction in the stated value of an asset | |
Precedents | Noun | An earlier incident or action that is used as an example or reason for Present event or action. | Model, Exemplar, Example, Pattern, Previous Case, Prior Case, Previous Example, Previous Instance, Prior Example, Prior Instance |
Default | Noun | Failure to fulfil an obligation, especially to repay a loan or appear in a law court | Non-Payment, Failure To Pay, Non-Remittance |
Elsewhere | Adverb | In, at, or to some other place or other places |
Marquee | Noun | Leading; pre-eminent |
Culmination | Noun | The final point or result of situation, attained after a long time. | Climax, Pinnacle, Peak, High Point, Highest Point, Height, High Water Mark, Top, Summit, Crest, Zenith, Crowning Moment, Apotheosis |
Undergo | Verb | Experience or be subjected to (something, typically something unpleasant or arduous) | Go Through, Experience, Engage In, Undertake, Live Through, Face, Encounter, Submit To, Be Subjected To, Come In For, Receive, Sustain, Endure |
Tie-down | Noun | Restrict some one to do things what they want | Restrict, Restrain, Limit, Constrain, Confine, Cramp |
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Note: Meanings and synonyms are referred from